Thursday, August 5, 2010

Matthews Begats Song

The genealogy of Christ is recounted in a bluegrass/folk song. Fun! Yes he goes through all of the names in Matthew Chapter 1!

-This video is on my videos page-


Mandie said...

Another reason why I love Andrew Peterson. I don't think I know of any other singer that has put something like that together haha
This song = greatness! :)

Jessie said...

you aren't supposed to be awake at 10:14 Tyler... naughty naughty...bad boy. (No comment on the fact that I got in bed at 2:00am last night) And you got in bed just past midnight, now how do I know that?? Uncanny sense of knowlege isn't it.....
Poor you, you probably wish I had never ever ever been born...
I almost got dumped into the canal earlier on my (well, Shannon's) horse.....good riddance lol

Beth at IAMRanch said...

Amazing!! I just watched both of his songs and they are great. I can't believe anyone could make a song of Mat. 1 and not have it totally boring..but he does it!