Last Saturday I passed the 'Law Enforcement' test, and today (Tue) I passed 'Criminal Justice'. They were moth similar to each other so it was easy to take them so close together. These are just electives (that were easy I might add), I am still majoring in History though. :)
I only have two tests left altogether: Intro to Business, which is going to be easy too because I enjoy what it contain plus the six other business test I have taken overlap whats on this one, so it will be more of a review.
And then "World conflicts since 1900", I don't know of anything else that could be more up my alley. Modern war history! :)
I am also doing well in my on-line class "War and American Society", which is basically an history of America's major wars. Received an 'A' on my first paper.
Praise God for His Progress.