Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Profile picture

Okay, so I have about a ton of pictures I could put up there; and until I decide on one for sure, I'll have the one up that's up. ;) I might also end up rotating them so.... ya'll all can tell me your favorites. ;)


Kirkpatrick's said...

I love this one, but i think you should try the one of you in front of the Dunnatar Castle!!! ~SAdie

David said...

I think this one would be a good one: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_QUuJ_wk80yk/TI_cgewGK3I/AAAAAAAAAdc/QvhrUxFacj4/s1600/Scotland+Iona+Days+8-9+188.JPG

Kirkpatrick's said...

I think this one :-D